Sébastien Morlet, Professor of Greek language and literature, Sorbonne Université
“The plurality of the biblical text – past and present”
(First series)
6th Week, Hilary Term 2023
Monday February 20th, 2.30–4
1. The linguistic plurality of the Bible: Ancient Jewish views
Oriel College, Harris Seminar Room (Hebrew Bible seminar)
Tuesday February 21st , 2–3.30 p.m.
2. The linguistic plurality of the Bible: Ancient Christian views
Oriel College, Harris Lecture Theatre (Jewish Studies seminar)
Thursday Feb. 23rd, 4–5 p.m. OCHJS Lecture Theatre
3. The views of ancient Greek Christian commentators on the ‘other’ translations of the Bible
Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, Walton Street, Lecture Theatre
Please contact Stefania Beitia to register for the Zoom link: stefania.beitia@oriel.ox.ac.uk
Prof. Sébastien Morlet’s research is devoted to ancient Jewish and Christian texts written in Greek, with a focus on their relation to Greek paideia and philosophy. He is the author of La Démonstration évangélique d’Eusèbe de Césarée. Étude sur l’apologétique chrétienne à l’époque de Constantin (2009), Christianisme et philosophie : les premières confrontations (2014), Les Chrétiens et la culture : conversion d’un concept (2016) and Symphonia. La concorde des textes et des doctrines dans la littérature grecque jusqu’à Origène (2019). He is preparing the volume « 2 Règnes » (2 Kingdoms) in the Bible d’Alexandrie series.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Anne Cavé (20 janvier 2023). GRINFIELD LECTURES ON THE SEPTUAGINT 2022–24. LA BIBLE D'ALEXANDRIE. Consulté le 18 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/lwbf