Septuagint, Sages, and Scriptures, Edited by Randall X. Gautier, Gideon R. Kotzé, Gert J. Steyn, Brill, 2016
The studies collected in this volume were written in honour of Johann Cook, emeritus professor of the Department of Ancient Studies at Stellenbosch University. They cover a variety of subjects including the translation of Hebrew expressions into Greek, the reception of LXX texts in various contexts, topics related to wisdom and the LXX versions of sapiential literature, Ben Sira as a scribe of the Second Temple period, themes in the works of Philo and Josephus and the references to Sumkhos ben Joseph in rabbinic writings. The contributions therefore focus on the Septuagint, early Jewish sages and ancient scriptures. They present the results of original research, identify new lines and topics of inquiry and make novel contributions to existing insights.
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Table des matières
Evangelia G. Dafni : Isaak, die Tochter Jephthas und Iphigenie, Menschenopfer im Alten Testament und im Alten Griechenland: Kulturkritische Beobachtungen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Septuaginta
Annette Evans : Descartes’Error and the Growth of Consciousness: A Non-Dualistic Reading of Genesis 1:1-7
Gideon R. Kotzé : Greek Translations of Hebrew Left Dislocation Constructions in LXX Genesis
Dirk Büchner :A Commentary on Septuagint Leviticus 19:11-15
Jessie Rogers :Where is Wisdom to be Found and How Do We Apprehend Her?
Jan Joosten : The Relation of the Septuagint of Proverbs to the Septuagint of Psalms
Randall X. Gauthier : Possessing Wisdom: A Study of the Possessive Pronouns and Adjectives in the Septuagint Version of Proverbs
Kenneth Atkinson : Septuagint Proverbs 28:4 and Shielding the Righteous: Implications for Understanding Sabbath Fighting in Josephus
Hans Ausloos : “A Man Shall Not Rise Again…”: Job 14:14 in Hebrew and Greek
Markus Witte : Jobs Sohn – Eine textgeschichtliche Notiz zu Job 42:17 (LXX)
Claude Cox : Old Greek Job 42 – A Surprise at the End of the Road: Intertextual Connections between the Epilogue and the Prologue Introduced by the Translator
Arie van der Kooij : Scholars and Officials in Early Judaism: the Sôfer of Jesus Ben Sira
Cynthia L. Miller-Naudé and Jacobus A. Naudé : The Metatextual Marginal Notes of Ben Sira: Ideology and Theology in the Geneva Bible (1560) and the King James Version (1611)
Harry F. van Rooy : Translating Wisdom in the Prophets: Ezekiel, Wisdom and Translation
Martin Rösel : Enhanced and Revised: The Old Greek Edition of the Book of Daniel
Gert J. Steyn : Introductory Notes on Philo of Alexandria’s “Proverbs” and Idiomatic Expressions
Wolfgang Kraus : “Whom the Lord Loveth He Chasteneth”: About the Adoption of Prov 3:11f. in Hebr 12:5f.
Michaël N. van der Meer : Symmachus, the Septuagint and the Sages: An Examination of the References to Sumkhos ben Joseph in the Mishnah, Tosefta and Talmudim